Contact Us

Contact Us

You may contact us by filling in this form any time you need professional support or have any questions. You can also fill in the form to leave your comments or feedback.

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Please feel free to contact us at anytime.

Daisy House is committed to supplying the finest quality products and we look forward to having a long term relationship with each and every one of our customers.  Thank You, Pete & Laura Trezoglou
Daisy House sells its products through specialty boutiques, selected specialty catalogues and on-line retailers only. If you are a consumer, please visit the SPECIALTY STORES link above for a list of our great partners. If you have any questions or need assistance, please send us an email or call the number listed below.

Daisy House P.O. Box 892 Grand Lake, CO 80447-0892 ph (303) 665.9292 fax (303) 648.4490 12